Sunday, March 05, 2006

T-Minus 10 Days and Counting

So in ten days, I'll be leaving my job.

I'm walking away from approximately $70,000 a year. Up to $600,000 in stock options. And comprehensive health insurance.


Because I'm going to write down some stories, go on a few trips, and generally behave like Ferris Bueller.

And I'm going to do this for at least a year and a half.

This might possibly be the greatest adventure of my life.

Which is why I'm writing about it here. The purpose of this site is to document the next year-and-a-half, remind myself of my purpose, and keep track of my progress.

If you feel like checking on me, feel free to visit as often as you like. In fact, you should definitely return for:

Fresh Posts Almost Daily
Subjects To Be Addressed:

  • Hollywood Calls

  • In which I receive phone calls from Academy Award-winning producers, and am asked if I would like my water "ice cold" or "room temperature". I choose "ice cold".

  • How The Hell Can I Afford To Do This?

  • All the financial details of this adventure, laid out in pornographic detail. We're talking pie charts! And numbers!

  • New York vs. Los Angeles

  • I was hoping not to start something here. But this has to be settled once and for all.

  • What I Will Write

  • The bad news: I can't say much. The good news: I'll definitely have some things for you to read.

  • The Travel Itinerary

  • Rock on Kyoto, Shanghai, Venice, and London. I extend an open invitation to all to come stay with me for free in an apartment in Shanghai.

  • School's Out FOREVER!

  • My first month off will be spent at the yoga studio, in the kitchen, and on my couch. It's time for hanging out. And chilling. And kicking it. A sneak preview of my daily routine.

  • A Word To My Friends

  • After all, you are one of the reasons I am here to write this today.

  • War Stories

  • I'm going into some Hollywood pitch meetings at the end of the month. If you don't hear back from me, tell my wife...that I...I love her.

  • Special Guest Appearance: Judy

  • So who didn't see this coming? Not Judy! The "intuitive" advisor extraordinaire draws a roadmap of the next 18 months. Featuring MP3s. (The posting of MP3s is subject to personal discretion and technical issues.)

May the good people of the world wish me luck.

(Click on the comments link below to leave me a note.)


Anonymous said...

wow. you do yoga?

Anonymous said...

p.s. i had no clue you were making that much friggin money. man.

Lo said...

Actually, I don't do yoga. The one time I tried it it absolutely killed me. But I figure it would be a good thing to do my first month off, as a form of relaxation.

As for the money, neither did I. My base salary (prior to the raise I just got) was $55,000. And then after the video games my former company made started selling quite well, I got bonus check after bonus check, and that accounts for the extra $15k.

Don't let the stock options fool you: they're the worst kind of golden handcuffs, because they're not even real money. They're the potential for real money IF the company goes public, IF the stock does well. They are a wonderful inducement to get employees to stay without actually paying them anything. And often, they fail to accrue any real value. (But in my case, I wouldn't be surprised if they were worth something - probably not $600k though - that's a high estimate for the sake of color.)

Anonymous said...

last comment for tonight -- sorry to be hogging this section but it appears nobody else is interested in saying anything -- i'm REALLY looking forward to the development of this blog.

also your little brother is really cute. is he legal?

Jonathan said...

Yes I am Amy. Yes I am.

Anonymous said...

oh my god you're BARELY legal. (that's so hot.) and i had totally been kidding, not realizing you were *that* young.

but... the last bf i had was 19. (though i probably shouldn't neglect to add that i was 21 at the time)