Ringtone No Jutsu
Hay guys! OK its time to talk about the best anime EVAR, NARUTO!!!11
Naturo is liek so def better than harry potter and buffy and fallout boys combined, cuz he ROX!! hahaha am i rite?
Naruto is a student at ninja school in japan which is a real place my cousin goes there. he is from hidden leaf village and he knows all these jutsus that's jp for technique. he can even turn himself into a naked lady LOLZ
girls suck at being ninjas btw thats why Sakura cant do crap in any episode ever. but she is hot so its ok
Song: Naruto Main Theme [Excerpt] (MP3)
Daaaaaaamnn the Naruto theme is sooo CRUNK hahaha
Check it here is a ringtone I made so you can put on yr cell.
Ringtone: Naruto Main Theme (MP3)
Here is another ringtone I made plz dl it
Ringtone: The Raising Fighting Spirit (MP3)
Ringtone: Turn Over (MP3)
This is the song they play whenev Naruto is making a comeback and you think he died but he's all liek oh no i didn't here i am im Uzumaki Naruto!
oh and i made another ringtone
Ringtone: Bad Situation (MP3)
This is when the bad guy ninjas are gonna jutsu Naruto and you are hoping Naruto will pwn them. and then he does and the bad guys are like what
To be fair, there are some legitimately skilled female ninjas on the show, but it takes them twenty episodes to introduce them.
Naruto r0x your s0x.
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