Sunday, December 16, 2007

Everything I Know About Fashion, Part 5

Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Everything I've written thus far regarding fashion can be boiled down to one question:

Am I more likely to get laid by hypothetical hot strangers while wearing this article of clothing?

Note that this single question eliminates a good ninety percent of the merchandise on offer at the Gap. Poor Gap.

It's an effective criterion, but also a blunt one, mind you. I'm pretty sure this is not the guiding standard of Dutch women, who could easily teach American women a thing or two about how to clothe themselves. Perhaps I will have the opportunity to ask a stylish Dutch woman in the near future, in which case I'll report back.

I add the "hypothetical" qualifier for married folks, because really, washing the dishes without being asked probably goes a lot further than a nice sweater. The supply and demand curves for sex have to be drawn a little differently for wedded people.

Unless, of course, they are in my yoga class. But that's another story.

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