Fierce Grape
Photo by Flickr user Walsh.
A brief snapshot of everything that is happening right now:
- The Bruce Wayne regimen has commenced. Five days of yoga. and three days of weights a week. Some running, too. It's going well, but I haven't needed this much electrolyte replacement since I was in high school lacrosse. Time to buy some Gatorade. Some FIERCE GRAPE perhaps?
- Lots of secret activity. Secret projects with secret collaborators. A secret workout partner (wow, that sounds so very gay). Super secret movement on the Pillow Crisis front. It's like my life is an episode of Naruto.
- Pillow Crisis is definitely taking its toll. Closing the last thousand yards on this project is agonizing. Here is what every morning is like: I wake up, I roll out of bed, make some eggs, and then sit down for a four hour chat with Huili. Ugh. Oh wait. That still sounds way better than the job I quit. I WIN.
- Have been spending much time marvelling at the remarkable similarities between Uzumaki Naruto's life and my own. Also noting how appropriate that theme song is in serving as background music to my day.
- Some warning shots being fired across my bow by destiny right now. Like Busta Rhymes says: pay attention.
- As research for a script, I conducted a great interview with a former employee of a prominent offline dating service, and have some truly horrifying stories now. In short, don't join one. It's no better than chance. The social humiliation you'll endure by striking up an awkward conversation with a stranger off the street is nothing compared to what you'll face with a dating service.
- Have been absolutely devouring media at a rate I haven't seen since Lower School Book Club. I put Naruto on hiatus to finish off the entire run of Cowboy Bebop, am about to begin the entire 144 episode run of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (don't ask), am watching about four movies a week, and finishing a book every week or so. There's just too much good stuff out there.
- Went to a party and swept the room, which is defnitely a first. By swept, I mean I talked to every individual with whom I wanted to, uh, talk. Must have spent five hours working my way through the place. Kind of exhausting, though, to be that engaged for that long. I did pretty well, though. Got compliments on my biceps and my shoes. Got hit on by attractive members of both sexes, so I guess whatever I'm doing, it's working.
- Gave some Naruto episodes to Mark. Gave some to Brian. Am forming Los Angeles Naruto Fan Club (proposed name: Hidden Larchmont Village). Naruto, Naruto, Naruto!!!