Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Life Happens Pretty Fast

Apologies for the paucity of posts lately - life has been fairly full and busy lately. No chance of a slow fadeout on the blog, since 1) I've never successfully kept a journal, and have always regretted it and 2) There is no shortage of topics to write about.

Huili and I have been spending my afternoons and his late nights talking for five hours a day, trying to sweep up all the loose threads in the Pillow Crisis outline. If I didn't have a good number of years of writing experience, I'd want to kill myself.

I've also been automating my work flow, using a combination of high-end productivity software. I'm more machine than man, now: twisted and evil.

Meanwhile, a number of unlikely and surprising possibilities have bubbled up lately:

  • taking a public speaking course with MBA students from the Marshall School at USC

  • infiltrating the inner-workings of one of most prominent offline dating services in the country

  • acquiring the film rights to someone else's intellectual property
I keep saying that I can't believe this is my life, but dude, seriously.

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