Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It's Time To Put On Some Pants

When I stopped punching the clock, one of the first declarations of my new independence was the total abandonment of my pre-work routine: performing morning ablutions, getting dressed for work, commuting. It's not as if my office had a very strict dress code, but I considered the hour it took to get ready for the job a tremendous pain.

So I stopped doing it. I went unshaven, wore my pajamas for most of the day until yoga, and generally got my slovenly on.

Then I discovered something - I just couldn't get as much work done in my pajamas. My pajamas are my official uniform for laziness, and while I'm wearing them, my mind expects to laze. Years of school and employment have trained my brain for a distinct cognitive shift from lounging around the house to laboring at my place of employment, and this shift is triggered by getting dressed.

So now I find myself again performing morning ablutions and getting dressed for work. My work clothes are just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, but the clothes make all the difference in the world.

When it's time to go to work, it's time to put on some pants.

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