It was not that long ago when I wrote that you only needed to attempt something 200 times in order to acheive the impossible. Well, here I am - a semi-regular blogger, and if that isn't impossible, I don't know what is. It's amazing that I made it this far, considering that this blog is the unloved and forgotten endeavor of all my creative output.
In celebration of this momentous milestone, here is the only blog post from me you will ever need to read, the ONE TRUE UPDATE regarding my life:
After inventing a new productivity technique for writing screenplays with Huili, I was riding my bike down Larchmont. I startled the blackbirds, and then suddenly found myself reminiscing about Stefanie, and the time I urged her to take responsibility for her destiny. I was late for yoga class, but I could afford to be late because I don't work for a living, which is TOTALLY SWEET. I entered the studio, where hot, flexible girls complimented me on the brightly-colored t-shirt I bought on sale at a fancy boutique in Shanghai. I told them how little I paid, and how I had to save my money because of all the worthless stock options I walked away from at my old job, and they were very impressed. Then my yoga instructor showed up and taught us all this awesome new pose involving pillows, and then we had ramen with monkfish liver afterwards, with ice cream and banana pancakes for dessert. It was a great day. And what's more, Judy predicted all of this a year ago!You know what the amazing thing is? This is not an inaccurate description of my life. If you had told me two years ago (has it been that long?) that I would write something even remotely resembling the above paragraph regarding my life, I would have looked at you askance.
Jonathan: Dude, I suck.
Me: Yeah, totally.
Download: Some Random Song That Is Only Tangentially Related To This Post [MP3]
But much has changed since I began this adventure. I have caused much excitement to happen in my life, and when I couldn't cause any, I have managed to find some in the ordinary and the simple.
And that is as good a description of my blogging process as any.
The most surprising thing about this blog is how powerful it has been in connecting me to all kinds of people: stalkers, well-wishers, strangers, litigators, classmates, acquaintances. I'm pleased that so many of you have spared a moment to enjoy this process with me.
And I'm pleased to inform you that there will be no shortage of material in the near future. The only question is how much of it I can safely include in this blog.