Monday, September 01, 2008

The Second-To-Last Post

So with little fanfare, it's time to announce the closing of this blog.

The short story is that co-authoring a children's novel and writing a blog are mutually incompatible.

Also, the character of my life is very different now. The era of the 365-day weekend is long gone, and I'm just as busy as any office worker, with the small differences of not having to go to an office, and also commanding my own destiny and stuff.

Finally, it's a bit of a professional and personal liability, having this much information about me so easily available. I'm mainly worried about spoilers. I don't want people who are just now meeting me to ruin the experience of getting to know me. I like surprising people, and having a blog makes it much more difficult.

I know I'm leaving quite a few threads dangling. Did the Queen of Wands ever show up? Did I manage to open the gates of Hollywood? Will I ever become a regular level 2-3 yoga student? Will Naruto ever rescue Sasuke from the clutches of Orochimaru?

What do you think?

I'm not asking that question as a means of obliquely hinting at the outcome. I'm asking because your answer is important, and reveals a great deal about how you view the universe. Two-and-a-half years ago, I took a monumental, life-altering risk, not knowing what would come of it. Do I live in the kind of world that rewards such risk? Or the kind that is indifferent to it?

What do you think?

What I think is coming up next.

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