Sunday, June 04, 2006


Not only am I girl-proofing the apartment, I'm also cleaning up around the site.

The Last Five (see this blog's sidebar) is a running log of everything I'm reading, watching, and playing. You can find miniscule capsule reviews of each item on my personal site.

The idea is to finish seven movies and a book every week, which means I need to move, move, MOVE. I won't be finishing many video games this year, but I'll report on the ones I try out.

For research, I'm also watching the first seventy episodes of Naruto (think Hogwarts for ninjas) and Band of Brothers, and both are excellent.

Rob: naruto is awesome
Rob: it's my favorite anime
Brian: you're weird


Anonymous said...

what does girl-proofing mean? i ask innocently; i wouldn't even know what boy-proofing would mean either.

Lo said...

Girl-proofing is cleaning the place to a standard that will prevent female visitors from condemning your way of life.

At a minimum, this means cleaning the bathroom. It may also include stowing the snuff films, dead babies, gimps, etc.

Huili suggests that perhaps the should be girl-compliance, since girl-proofing seems to imply preventing entry by girls.

As for boy-proofing, there is no such things. Boys don't care.

Anonymous said...

awww but some of us LOVE the snuff films.

yeah girl-proofing sounded a bit like keeping girls AWAY.

boy-proofing... my apt definitely needs some of that. it's so god-awful even white trash would turn their noses up at it. literally.

but thanks for answering myquestion and... boy it's lonely out here in the comments section

Anonymous said...

I'd imagine boy proofing would be putting out potpourri, relationship books, and tampons.

Anonymous said...

all i've got is porn. of the lesbo kind. no potpourri. sigh. i'll never find a man who can handle all of me!!