Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Purpose and Intention

Today the bikini lady yoga instructor asked me to demonstrate the upside-down "L" pose for the entire class. About the L pose: I suspect, despite a severe lack of foreshadowing from my instructor, that this pose is preperation for a full-on handstand. It involves coming onto your hands and knees, and then walking your feet up the wall, forming the aforementioned inverted consonant with your body.

I was somewhat apprehensive abou my instructor's request for several reasons. First of all, I'm not accustomed to performing any act of physicality before an audience. Secondly, the instructor usually recruits some incredibly limber chick wearing Hard Tail pants to demo a pose, which is an arrangement I much prefer, quite frankly. Lastly, I only learned to do the L pose about two weeks ago. It's absolute murder on your hands and arms.

But I agreed to demonstrate, and I was able to slowly walk up and down the wall without losing my balance. I was rock solid, in fact. And as I was performing, the instructor said:

"Look, do you see his hands? They are filled with purpose and intention!"

That's right, y'all - my hands are vessels bearing the catalysts for action. (Like Naruto!)

(There's actually a very pragmatic reason why I spread my hands shoulder-length apart and flatten my palms. Because if I don't, the L pose is going to hurt like hell.)

I'd say I'm about a month or so away from doing the first handstand of my life.

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