The Timeline: 2007
Let's get this out of the way: summer vacation is most definitely over. The timeline below merely covers my professional concerns, an extracurricular activity, and none of my personal life. Multiple areas of my existence seem to be expanding simultaneously, and the timing and scale of the expansion is somewhat unexpected.
This writing schedule would have been unfathomable for me as recently as a year ago, and it's still pretty unfathomable now. But I've managed to make a record amount of progress in very little time, and I can only hope that it will continue. One of the things I've realized about my day is that I still only spend a handful of hours every day engaged in truly productive creative work. The difference is that now the remainder of my day now serves to prepare me for those hours, as opposed to hindering me. More on this in a bit.
December 2006
- Home for the holidays
- Finish Lobsters vs. Butterflies outline
- Wrangle Pillow Crisis outline into acceptable shape for studio overseers
- Go to yoga class
- Begin Lobsters vs. Butterflies draft
- Tell everything and everyone else to GO TO HELL
- Continue wrangling Pillow Crisis part-time anyway
- Go to yoga class
- Continue Lobsters vs. Butterflies draft
- Begin making travel plans for Europe and Asia
- Do as little work on Pillow Crisis as I can get away with
- Go to yoga class
- Lobsters! Butterflies!
- Pillows?
- Yoga
- Finish Lobsters vs. Butterflies Draft
- Nicholl Fellowships Deadline. Enter. Win.
- If still working on Pillow Crisis, ponder own mortality
- Go to Europe - UK? Spain? Italy?
- Go to Asia - China? Japan?
- Go to yoga class
- Put rouge on LvB (and Pillow Crisis?) and push onto street corner
- Anticipate of writers' strike and possible spec material feeding frenzy
- Make contingency plans as the money runs out
- Alternately, cancel contingency plans and count stacks of money
- Go to yoga class
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