Monday, February 19, 2007

Coming Out Of Retirement

That's right, folks. I'm hanging it up and going back to the office grind of the wage slave.

For a week, anyway.

Sony Pictures needs some help finishing one of their movies, so I've gotten the call to come in and clean house. I'll be working the good ol' nine-to-six for the rest of the week, helping the Sony people sort out the movie's ending credits.

I will even have to abide by a dress code - collared shirts and non-sneakers! That will last all of one day - just enough time for me to make a positive first impression - and then it's right back to the t-shirts and the badminton shoes.

Which movie, you ask? Some direct-to-video thing about a guy who gets bitten by a spider. Yeah, I don't really get it either.

The good news is that only about twenty people worked on the film, so sorting out the credits should be no sweat!

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