Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Instant Raise

So I walk into the human resources office at Sony, fill out some paperwork, and then ask about the salary.

The HR person looks over the forms submitted by my supervisor, and asks,

"You're a paralegal, right?"

For a brief instant, I think about it, and then reply with a straight face,

"Of course I'm a paralegal."

"Ok, good."

She then quotes me a salary that is thirty percent higher than the rate offered by my supervisor. You see, that's what paralegals make. She says she needs to clear the rate, and asks me to return the next day.

The next day, I return to confirm the rate, and she tells me that I've gotten another raise - an extra two dollars an hour. I'm now getting the upper end of the paralegal salary range.

I could get used to this. The most exciting thing about this is that I now get to tell people that I work as a paralegal. Robert Lo, Esq.

Do you have any legal questions? Please allow me to answer them.

In the meantime, all this paralegal money is going straight into the war chest. I've got a trip to Europe to pay for.

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