Everything I Know About Fashion, Part 3
Previously: Part 1, Part 2
9) Buying sale merchandise is fine. Some women attach a stigma to buying things on sale. These women are stupid and frivolous - do not date them. The fashion industry is a pretty big scam, all things considered - even the most expensive pair of jeans cost what - twenty dollars to make? And ladies, did you know that when you wear Juicy Couture, you're actually wearing Liz Claiborne - the official brand of middle-aged librarians? What I'm saying is, the fashion industry has all sorts of ways of convincing you to pay much more than the clothes are worth - stigmatizing sales is yet another one of their tricks.
10) On the other hand, If you know exactly what you want - and can find it - then go ahead and spend the money to get it. Enjoy your life.
11) Think twice about getting something because it's functional and cheap. That money could be spent towards something lethal and durable. Do it enough times, and you get a closet full of functional and cheap, with no room or money left for lethal and durable.
12) The Matrix. When considering a garment, think about how many other garments in your wardrobe this item can be worn with. Also consider if the garment can be layered with other garments in the winter. The idea is to maximize the possible number of permutations in your wardrobe. If something is expensive and can only be worn with only a few other items you own, pass.
13) Wear the damn clothes. Don't buy stylish expensive clothes and put them in the closet for a special occasion. This is called hoarding, and Jesus can't stand hoarders. From now on, only wear your best threads, even to grocery store. Life is too short to wear your scrub clothes.
14) Clothing is inherently ephemeral. Almost nothing stays in fashion for more than two years - and even if it does, a) it'll either wear out, or b) you'll get tired of it. Think of your closet as a project that must be occasionally renewed, and not a museum.
To be continued in (hell yes, I can do this all day) Part 4.