The Shame of Reading US Weekly
One of my newest projects, only beginning to gestate, is a movie about Britney Spears. I know very little about Ms. Spears, except a passing familiarity with some of her music. But I have an intriguing idea for an movie with a character based on her public persona.
So I've recently begun reading US Weekly in the supermarket checkout lines, because the periodical has the best Britney Spears coverage, hands down. In the past three weeks, they've run a story on Ms. Spears' geneaology, the "secret fantasy room" in her mansion, and the creepy bodyguard/hanger-on that has been seen escorting her around town here in Los Angeles. All great stuff for the research file.
But it's really kind of embarrassing reading the magazine in public. Carrying a yoga mat around took a bit of getting used to. But carrying a yoga mat and reading US Weekly at the newsstand on Larchmont? Kind of emasculating, quite frankly.
I'd consider subscribing, but US Weekly is really expensive; the publisher clearly prefers the reader to buy on impulse.
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