Monday, January 28, 2008

Detained By The Hipster Police

For some reason, I am often accused of being a hipster, despite the fact that I don't spend nearly enough money on clothes, and don't listen to nearly enough bands.

But my detractors sometimes have a point, as this past weekend proves. Also, I was recently busted by the hipster police - more on this below.

This weekend, I managed to make it out to the LA Derby Dolls' monthly female roller derby event, and the artLA event in Santa Monica. Roller derby is cool - the girls have truly fantastic names like Jihad and Amber Alert, and fully embrace pugilistic nature of the sport. Multiple injuries and penalty ejections. And to see a fast jammer deftly weaving her way through a crowd of blockers inspires a certain amount of instant hero worship. All of my fellow derbygoers, none of whom had ever attended a bout, found ourselves deeply in the thrall of fandom for the lead skaters from each team.

The artLA event - an attempt to replicate the Art Basel phenomenon in Miami Beach - was somewhat underwhelming. I guess I'm lazy, but I like my art to be fully vetted by curators and critics before I step into a space. I want to be blown away by everything in the room, and that's clearly not going to happen in a gallery full of emerging artists. The highlight was a small city bus that an artist had thoughtfully crumpled and left sitting in the center of the space.

My friend GP said I should have gotten a tattoo to top off the weekend.

Speaking of hipsterism, while I was in Dallas over winter break, my brother and I naturally went down to Mockingbird Station to peruse the offerings of Urban Outfitters. I was equipped with a messenger bag that featured a hammer and sickle, with the word "Moscow" imprinted below the Communist icon in a Cyrillic typeface. This was a bag I purchased on clearance (from UO, no less), because I needed a manpurse when visiting Dallas. I concede that the bag, as an accessory, is more than a bit of a hipster statement.

As I looked over a stack of denim, a female voice behind me said,

"Are you Russian?"

I turned around to reveal my face and the evident fact that I was not Russian, finding a girl looking at me.

"No," I said.

"Your bag is misspelled."

"Really? How?"

"I'm Russian," she said, "And the last letter should have a double loop, which is the 'W' character. This is the 'B" character. Your bag basically says 'Moscob'."

"Oh. How embarrassing."

"I like the bag, though."

She walked away. I told my brother about what happened, and he said, "That means you can't ever carry that bag again."

"I don't know, dude," I said. "Russian chicks are stepping up to holla at me. I don't know if this is negative reinforcement... or POSITIVE."


wsh said...

Dude: George Clooney is learning Coptic.

Lo said...

That is considered extremely correct.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

Anonymous said...

I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills

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