Friday, March 17, 2006

My Epic Lunch


I felt hungry around one.

So I took a fifteen minute walk to Larchmont Boulevard to eat some pizza.

And I realized, that for the first time in a very long time, I had absolutely nowhere to be on a Thursday afternoon. So I walked twice as slowly as I usually do.

And on the way to getting pizza, I stopped at a funky shoe store and talked vintage sneakers with the saleswoman. Because why not?

Then I headed over to the pizzeria, got some pizza, chatted some with the employees there, told them who my favorite pizza chef there was.

Then I thought, hey. I could use a chocolate croissant right now. So I ambled over to the coffee place and got one.

But on the way I stopped at the stationary store, discussed various paper samples with them.

Then I walked back home.

The tempo of my day is already slowing. And I like it.


Jonathan said...

Great post. However your epic lunch sounds very similar to an interesting piece I found from a very renowned author:
" When I got to my apartment, the television was still on. This was not the first time I'd forgotten to turn it off in the morning before leaving. All the lights and everything else were off, though, including the air conditioner. A movie was going on that was making loud noises. A man and a woman were hiding behind a big van in the movie. They were being shot at by another man from across the street. The man with a shotgun had on a cowboy hat. Each time there was a gunshot, the woman screamed. I went to the refrigerator and took out a couple of TV dinners for the microwave. When I sat down, the cowboy had gotten hold of the man and had thrown him down on the ground. The woman kept screaming. I felt like turning the TV off because it was getting on my nerves. But I decided to wait until my dinner was ready. I didn't want to have the quietness until I had something to do, like eating. The cowboy was really letting the man have it with his punches. He was sitting on top of the man, who was probably already half dead, and was whacking away with left and right punches at the poor man's head. The woman threw herself a couple of times on the cowboy and was thrown back. There was now the sound of punches and the woman was wailing something to the cowboy. The microwave stopped with a ding, so I went up to get the food. When I returned, I turned off the TV. I ate in the small and now very quiet living room of my apartment. All the noises of the cowboy and the woman were gone just like that. With one push of the button. A while ago, they'd been real. They'd interested me, and bothered the heck out of me at the same time. But they were gone now. Out of my life, so I could have dinner."

I thought you might like to check that out.

Lo said...

This is a family in-joke that might be demystified by the following link:

Also, my brother hasn't updated his blog in over a year, and I'm doing it daily. I win.