Wednesday, March 15, 2006

T-Minus 1 Day: My Elevator Ride With The CEO

The CEO of my company and I have been friendly ever since I started working at the company. Our relationship has mainly consisted of good-natured ribbing and chats about the intersection of the game and film businesses.

My first interaction with him was in our office kitchen about five year ago. I was making my lunch, as I did every day: a ham sandwich and a can of soup. (I was making ten dollars an hour at the time.)

CEO: You're so frugal, making lunch everyday.

Me: It's due to necessity. You could do something about that, you know.

CEO: (Laughs, walks away.)

Just for the record, I got a raise later.

Last night, as I was leaving the office, I stepped into the elevator with the CEO, for what is likely to be my last interaction with him. (For a while, anyway.) It was pretty clear to both of us that we were at T-Minus-2-Days, because I was carrying a box with the contents of my desk.

Here was our conversation in its entirety:

CEO: Yo!

Me: Yo indeed.

(Elevator stops on CEO's floor.)

Me: Good night.

Him: Good night.

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