Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My Stylist Quits Too

I get my hair cut at a salon that's conveniently located in the same Westwood high rise I work in.

Today, as I sit in the chair, my stylist covertly hands me a business card with her cell phone number on it.

"I'm leaving," she whispers.


"I don't like having a boss. I want to work for myself."

I pocket the card, look at her, and say, "This is why you're my barber."


Anonymous said...

Dude, you called her a barber. She might have cut of your ear for that.

And aren't you supposed to be working instead of blogging at 2.30?

Lo said...

I see it's 10:33 am and someone is browsing the web instead of working.

I'm really disappointed in you.
