The Perfect, Typical Day
9:00 AM -- Wake up. Breakfast consisting of egg sunny side up and a salad of mixed greens and spinach.
9:30 AM -- Hour-long conference call with writing partner in London to discuss girls, movies, current writing problems, and scheduling of our next screenplay project.
10:30 AM -- Write the LAST FIVE FREAKING PAGES of the "Lobsters Versus Butterflies" screenplay. Play the Ennio Morricone score to "The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly" on continuous loop at full blast while doing so.
1:08 PM -- Hop on bicycle, ride through trees and rose gardens of Hancock Park to the yoga studio. Arrive at studio and catch up with one of my favorite yoga classmates.
1:30 PM -- Level 1/2 Iyengar Yoga Class. Set personal record for time spent (20 seconds) in Bakasana (Crow) pose. Attempted the much more difficult Side Bakasana pose, and nearly succeeded.
2:30 PM -- Bike back home. Eat chicken pot pie for lunch.
3:30 PM -- Get on the phone with health insurance companies to manage transition between providers. Annoying, but strangely satisfying, as making these phone calls underscores the entrepreneurial nature of my life. Like James T. Kirk, I am the captain of this ship.
4:00 PM -- Receive phone call from Princeton University, offering me a paid job assisting in the design of a sociology experiment disguised as a video game. "Can the game be about... ninjas?" "Um....yes." "I'll do it!"
5:00 PM -- Go for a run in my neighborhood as the sun sets. Sail past a neighbor, wave hello. The voice of Lance Armstrong emerges from my Nike iPod kit, congratulating me on my "longest workout yet". Mr. Armstrong says I've set a new record of 4.2 miles.
6:00 PM -- Take a shower.
6:30 PM -- Drive with my friend GP to the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills to attend a high school alumni function. Eat every single thing the waiters present to me on silver trays - my dinner. Catch up with a few old classmates. Learn some gossip about one of my brother's ex-girlfriends. Talk to my high school principal, whom I haven't seen since graduation day. Make him proud when I tell him I wear my high school PE shirt to yoga.
9:45 PM -- Return home. Attempt to print out sociology texts in preparation for Princeton gig. Troubleshoot networking issues on local area network. Update the system software on my computer. Set the living room computer to download anime episodes (for Pillow Crisis research) while I sleep. Update the blog.
11:30 PM -- Prepare for bed. Get ready to do it all over again.