I met with Judy, my favorite intuitive advisor from Thousand Oaks. She only covered three topics:
- The overall outlook for the year ahead. Her bottom line? Buckle up, beeyatch. It's going to be a great year, y'all. In fact, if I had to pick only one year out of my life to document in a blog, this would apparently be the one.
Professionally, the good news is that scenario number two from this post will not happen. In fact, it appears that my next project might generate some interest (and some cash). The phrase that my writing partner Huili and I use incessantly is: we'll see. - A very thorough post-mortem of my last relationship; Judy's relentless deconstruction left me emotionally exhausted, but relieved. I learned many sad things, only a few of which were truly surprising.
Of course, it might have helped if Judy had mentioned some of these things to me two years ago, when she predicted the relationship (and its demise). But experiencing things for yourself is probably necessary.
(Request: please DO NOT mention my ex in the comments section. I wasn't particularly forthcoming about this relationship when it was on (many of you are most likely learning about it only now), and it falls squarely outside the scope of this blog.)
About MP3s. Even if you're like George, a skeptic when it comes to psychic phenomena, you have to be somewhat curious about what a tarot reading sounds like, right? Luckily for us, I recorded Judy in 320kps 44khz mp3s using an iRiver IFP-899, the podcaster's recording device of choice (for the layperson: this means me and her sound like we're in the room with you). However, I need to obtain some sound-editing software to edit the clips and do some mixing, which I will obtain in about a week. Yes, I do indeed nerd it up and dork out. And I do it well.
But I won't be posting all the mp3s at once. Unless there are strong objections, I think I'll post small Judy mp3s as an ongoing feature. I will warn you now, there's nothing you'll hear that will convince you that what she does is real. The most impressive parts of the reading are precisely the ones I can't post, because they're simply too personal. But I'll do what I can.
By the way, this anecdote makes for a very interesting read.
Again, please: no ex talk.
gosh how flattering to have been mentioned in your post! i eagerly await your mp3s. LOVED the ones you'd put online of your 2003 session. i'm not a believer at all, but i still find it all extremely fascinating. probably cause i'm doing the opposite of those who do believe: waiting for her to mess up. i'm also equal parts envious and happy for you, rgarding the rest of your life
Two things, Lo:
1. I want to remind you that you promised me that I would be a part of your HBO-Entourage-like posse if you ever made it famous in Hollywood. (Whether you actually did promise this is debateable. But I feel like you did, and that's good enough for me.)
2. I'm okay with you shelling out cash to Judy if you're okay with it and can afford it. But I've always been concerned about the influence of her "insights" on the way you approach important personal matters in your life. (I'll leave the balance of that discussion for our next phone call...)
About my skepticism: For a brief period in time I was running with some folks who used to do readings for a living, and while some of these people were very well-intentioned, they were all pretty up front with me about the fact that what they did was not "psychic" in the sense that any of their clients might have thought...
Also: Santa Clause doesn't exist.
I meant "Santa Claus"
(Damn you, Tim Allen and your feel-good Disney Christmas shlock...)
Oh, she definitely makes mistakes.
She tends to fudge time frames quite a lot. Her specialty is people, not dates. But I'd put her batting average up against that of anyone else who's ever given me advice, especially one George K.
My mom, as I mentioned, has seen her on a lark, and she's a strident skeptic. But even she was disarmed by Judy's ability to speak convincingly of the inner emotional lives of her husband and sons.
There's a big difference between what Judy does and Kouros' parlor tricks, which admittedly, are very impressive. They're completely different though. Judy's never going to guess which word or which card you're thinking of. And George is never going to tell you the childhood emotional history of someone you're dating.
Kou, relax.
Her influence is no greater than anyone else's. She's an additional data point. She just gets more press because, a) being a Jewish grandmother, she's got a good head on her shoulders, and b) she's got the whole "I know what's going on in your life before you tell me" thing going on.
Something I didn't mention is that there have been times when I don't follow her advice. This is because I ultimately make my own decisions - you don't quit your job and do this because a psychic says so. It's simply not enough. You do it because something inside tells you that you just have to do it.
Let's ask the question: has there been any instance in which her advice, when I've taken it, has served me poorly? Or an instance in which an emotional insight she's given me has been clearly false? Not really.
I only talk to this woman once a year, and that's enough for me. As far as I'm concerned, it's been a net good.
If you know anything about my growth as human being over the past few years, the least you could say is that she hasn't done any harm. And that's a lot more than you can say for many people I've met.
Feel free to beseech me to renounce my heathen ways and return to the church, though. God knows my mom would appreciate it.
Kouros, you are always more than welcome to come to Los Angeles and visit.
We'll hit the Standard Downtown, and I'll introduce you to my hot cousin actress and her hot actress friends.
Anyone seen those Old Navy commercials with the insane Xmas carolers? She's the pretty Chinese girl. She works one day shooting those commercials, and the residuals pay her bills for the entire year. It's a nice life.
Also, love her or hate her, mentions of Judy sure drive up the comment count. She's easily the most popular topic on this blog.
dude you have a hot actress cousin? the old navy commercials? dude. hook me up.
(i was just kidding you know.)
dude you have a hot actress cousin? the old navy commercials? dude. hook me up.
(i am not kidding, you know.)
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