Remembrance of Things Past
My brother's sarcasm at its absolute finest. Taken in Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost city in the entire freaking world. March 2004.
My friends Matt and Dave in San Francisco. August 2003.
Why the sudden burst of nostalgia? It's because my homepage now has photo galleries, and more are being added every day!
My Official Homepage
Dude, many of your captions are truncated. But I guess that's mac software for you. Zing!
Actually, that's somewhat intentional. You launch the slideshow to see the full caption. But you're right - it looks odd. I may have to edit those captions.
And you're just jealous because you can't code awesome CSS like me.
Ok, ok, captions are fixed. Sheesh.
Hey, just pushing you to do your best in all endeavors. Like that screenwriting thing.
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