Monday, April 17, 2006

That Was Quick

The New and Improved Official Robert Lo Homepage

Jon: how did you do that shit
Jon: i wanna make a website like this
Rob: well I just used iweb for mac
Rob: and it also can do video and music galleries too
Jon: thats awesome
Rob: yeah, this website only took me one day to put together
Rob: it was easy
Rob: check out the photo gallery
Rob: click on the slideshow
Jon: do i have iweb?
Rob: no
Rob: you have to get it
Rob: but then after you get it
Rob: you still have to find webhosting
Rob: I have .mac
Rob: so it's one button publishing
Rob: you can still publish without .mac
Rob: but you need a server
Jon: i do
Jon: utexas
Rob: ok then
Rob: you should be able to do it
Jon: niice
Jon: nice website tho
Jon: btw, i saw the squid and the whale
Rob: yeah?
Jon: yeah i thought it was good
Rob: yeah, good stuff
Jon: jeff daniels is pretty funny
Rob: yeah, he's awesome in that movie


Anonymous said...

wait... who's "robert lo"?

Lo said...

Oh...I'm sorry. I think you've been reading the wrong blog. You're still a great commenter, though.

Anonymous said...


Watch your language!! This is a public site and your mom is still watching 200 miles away! Please, no
"s" word.

Anonymous said...

no 's' word? how about no 'f' words? i must say, i too was a bit paranoid on your behalf when i saw your f words, because i thought 'dude, he's writing that in plain view when his parents read his blog?' i know you have an awesome relationship with the rents but wow, i mean i was like, 'dude, his parents must REALLY be cool.' and i know they still are, anyway.

Anonymous said...

sorry, i just noticed your mom addressed your barely-legal bro, and not you. also, please mentally delete the word 'too' from the previous post. i was simply paranoid (not 'paranoid, too' since your mom wasn't paranoid to begin with -- just a bad typo).

i do agree with the barely-legal bro on your original site -- it's really nice-looking.

Lo said...

Yeah, it's weird as this is hardly the first instance of profanity on the site.

Since you're a big fan of photo galleries and you're a mac user, I'd highly recommend iweb.

I created the photo gallery simply by dragging and dropping the photos onto the page. I reordered them by sliding them around.

You could have a CSS-pimped version of your site running in a couple hours.

Anonymous said...

oh man that WOULD be awesome. but how much does iweb cost? would it be worth it for me to switch to it from 1997-era html?

Lo said...

iWeb is part of the iLife package, which includes iPhoto and Garageband and iMovie. iLife costs $80.

Keep in mind that your web design is severely constrained by Apple's templates. I can't change the menu font, for instance.

But if you spend a lot of time handcoding photo galleries, it'll probably pay for itself. My photo gallery took less than an hour from start to publish.