Monday Updates
- Kept the damn pants. And wore them, prompting someone to say, "Nice pants!"
- Made progress towards formulating a daily routine. Still some optimization to be had here.
- Unveiled brand new homepage. Now my stalkers (hi!) can obsess about me and feel stylish at the same time, thanks to the power of Helvetica Neue.
- Put up some new photo galleries as well, including my friends at the Gates and my scars.
- Signed up for yoga classes.
- Fixed the web template for A Very Big If, much to the happiness of Internet Explorer and Safari users worldwide.
- Much brainstorming on Pillow Crisis outline.
- Began reading Strange But True By John Searles.
- Go to bed at the same hour every night.
- Daily morning pages and meditation.
- Continue to work on Pillow Crisis outline, with an eye towards May 9 milestone.
- Watch PBS documentary on WWII fighter pilots.
- Work way through Netflix queue.
- Make chili in a large pot of Heineken. (The malt brings out the flavor.)
- Free screening of Silent Hill at Sony Pictures.
- Daily yoga classes. Oof!
- Finish Strange But True, begin No Country For Old Men by Cormac McCarthy.
- Look into webhosting "solutions". The blog won't stop, can't stop.
- Los Angeles Festival of Books.
(i'm not being sarcastic, i'm actually cheering you on.)
(aimster is me, amy. in case you weren't sure. sorry. i'm kind of pms-y. actually i'm very pms-y. )
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