Thursday, April 20, 2006


Here we go.

Yesterday I signed up for yoga classes: two weeks of unlimited classes for $30, which works out to about $2 a class, if I attend everyday. Given that a typical yoga class costs upwards of $10, this is a pretty good deal.

I told a female acquaintance of mine from Dallas that I was going to take yoga classes during my time off, and she looked at me with a mixture of abject pity and morbid curiosity, as if to say (with a Texas twang): "Yoga? Son, have you gone affected?"

No. I live in Los Angeles. Which is pretty much the same thing.

I've had a longstanding interest in yoga - I meditate regularly (more on this in a bit), and a yoga instructor once told me that the two go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

The only question I've had is where I would take yoga classes, prompting this exchange between a friend and myself.

Me: I'm thinking about Liberation Yoga on La Brea --

Friend: -- a lot of hot chicks take yoga on Larchmont --

Me: -- hot moms. Big difference.

Friend: True.

(They say that motherhood makes a woman radiant, and there is no better proof of this than Larchmont Village. Another friend of mine from out of town was was walking through Larchmont with me, and said, "Dude, what is with this place and the milfs?")

Anyway, this isn't about the ladies. This is about YOGA.

A report on my first class coming soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'd say larchmont village is simply proof that with enough money any mother can whip herself back into pre-birth shape. sure, she may have that post-birth glow of motherhood, but who can see it if obscured by layers of pregnancy fat? ahh well. i just get riled every time i see hollywood celebrities giving birth and then snapping back into perfect shape, as if it were something easy, when really, truly, all it is is this -- they have money for personal trainers and chefs and nutritionists, and they have money to take time off solely to focus on their bodies. and they have money to hire nannies galore to take over baby duties whenever rich Mom needs time for herself. yeah ok i'm bitter and possibly jealous (or not, since i can work out and stay fit just fine, and have never had children), but don't say i ain't right. money isn't everything, but it sure enables a lot of things.