Friday, May 30, 2008

The Great Telectroscope of Brooklyn


From the creators:

Hardly anyone knows that a secret tunnel runs deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean. In May 2008, more than a century after it was begun, the tunnel has finally been completed. An extraordinary optical device called a Telectroscope has been installed at both ends which miraculously allows people to see right through the Earth from London to New York and vice versa.


A letter from myself to the inventors of the telectroscope:

Good sirs and madams,

I have been enchanted by early accounts of your exceedingly fine device, and would like to request the privilege of viewing the wondrous "telectroscope" posthaste.

I will be visiting the renowned municipality of Brooklyn soon, and it is my intention to behold the countenances of my old schoolmate chum and his beloved female progeny of six years; both live in London, and I have not seen the young lady since the Lichtenstein parliamentary elections of three years ago. Accompanying me will be another former colleague of mine from my days in university; she is, like myself, captivated by your commendable efforts.

The four of us endeavor to send each other greetings and salutations by means of your technology, and hope to complete a legally binding business transaction. Thanks to the "telectroscope", we will no longer have to rely on the woefully archaic semaphore to trade our rare specimens of tulips. A tip of the cap to your industrious engineers.

With Warmest Regards,


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