Friday, May 23, 2008

The Plaster Conundrum

My room is so cluttered with stuff right now, I can't even think.

The concrete floor in the apartment is coated with a difficult-to-remove-plaster, which sloppy contractors spilled everywhere during the construction of the building. GP and I have attacked the plaster from several different fronts. We've poured water on the floor to soften it, we've scraped at it with trowels, we've scrubbed it with brushes. The plaster slowly erodes away under the force of our efforts, like a wind-carved canyon. Unfortunately, the plaster, which should have taken a couple of hours to remove, became a multi-day project.

Which means I'm leaving town before the job is done.

After I leave, GP and the apartment super are going to SAND THE FLOOR WITH POWER TOOLS. I'm kind of sad that I will miss my initiation rite into the use of power tools. It's quite possible that GP and the super will go on to acid-stain the concrete floors, finishing the common areas before I return.

After that, it's bedroom carpets, curtain installation, kitchen cabinet repainting, door repainting, and furniture acquisition. And then Operation: Apartment Pimp-Out will be complete.

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