Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I've Been Away For A Whole Month

And not a single day passed that I didn't think about writing a new post, but I simply couldn't make the time. That's how busy my April was.

The short story is that I was preparing my new screenplay, Lobsters vs. Butterflies, for entry in the open screenwriting competition held by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. I was also submitting new design documents for the Princeton overfishing experiment - I have designed a new video game in which players feed cookies to hungry beached whales trapped on an iceberg.

I was writing and being creative seven hours a day, which is the equivalent of a fourteen-hour day at my old job. And in order to help relieve the stress, I was running twenty miles a week, going to yoga six times a week, weight training twice a week, and hiking in Runyon Canyon once a week. My abdominals are starting to go six-pack on me. This is a good thing.

And then Huili, my writing partner from London, visited for a week, during which we drove up to San Francisco to begin work on Pillow Crisis.

There wasn't a whole lot of time left over for blogging, as you might imagine.

And there still isn't. As I type this, I'm packing my bags for Dallas, to help my mother deliver flowers for Mother's Day. And then at the end of the month, it's off to New York (for a friend's wedding), London (to visit Huili and continue work on Pillow Crisis), and Edinburgh (because I can).

But I'm back and posting regularly again. And I have plenty to discuss: my trip to San Francisco, future installments of A Crash Course in Women, a possible small adventure involving the most frequent female guest star on this blog, and my journeys in the United Kingdom.

1 comment:

wsh said...

I'm glad that once a week is considered regular.