The Top Five People of 2006
Okay, enough smack talk. Man writes an outline for a movie and it's all like he liberated Iraq or something. It's time to talk about someone else other than myself, so without further ado, here are my my picks for the top five people of 2006. To be eligible for this list, you must be 1) a NEW presence in my life, and one that has 2) affected me in some significant way.
5) Bono, Rock Star/Activist/Capitalist
You're quietly saving up your nickels and dimes so you can quit your job. You figure you can do eke out at least a year, IF you live frugally: beans and rice, taking public transit a lot, squeezing out the dregs of the toothpaste. Then a rock star shows up at your company and buys the damn place, and hands everyone a nice bonus check. Now you can do 18 months. You can take unlimited yoga classes. And you're going to Asia. All thanks to a perennial Nobel peace prize nominee who makes video games about indiscriminately killing brown people. Bono, you may be a contradiction, but you're MY contradiction. God bless you.
4) ???, Unlockable Character
I am in so much trouble for doing this. I couldn't get the necessary clearances from the legal department to publish this, so what can I tell you about Number Four? Um, nothing. But I can tell you that this person garners a high mention count in discussions with my friends, and is the subject of considerable speculation. And the buzz continues to get louder and louder. Will "El Numero Cuatro", as we affectionately refer to this person, deliver on the hype? Hell if I know.
3) Satoru Iwata, President and CEO of Nintendo Co., Ltd.
This is the man who proved all those worthless game industry analysts and would-be pundits wrong in 2006. He championed pure gameplay over cynical marketing, graphical realism, and fanboy provincialism. And he bet the entire farm on his beliefs. In doing so, he saved the company that gave birth to many childhood memories, and reminded everyone what it was like to play a video game for the very first time. But that's not why he's on this list. He's here because he's a soft-spoken and humble man who quietly worked his way up from developer to CEO. He doesn't speak in marketing copy, loves and believes in his work, and is very cute. (No seriously, dude - I've been in the room with this man, and he's adorable.) In short, he's everything I aspire to be in the entertainment world.
2) My Yoga Instructor, Uh...Yoga Instructor
Here's what I wrote about her a week ago: "This woman is one of the greatest teachers I've ever had in any subject. I go to her class every single day. In that time, I've gained seven pounds of muscle. I've grown out of some of my favorite t-shirts. My back, my shoulders, and most importantly, my heart -- all of these have opened. I feel sturdier than ever, and yet, I feel softer than ever. Something is happening to me, and yoga is only a part of it. And my instructor been with me every step of the way, knowing how far I've come, and how much further I will go."
1) Naruto Uzumaki, Konohagakure Ninja (Genin rank)
Let's be real. Who couldn't see this coming? I've written about him previously here and here, but let me step outside my fandom to write that Naruto is by far the most potent adolescent power fantasy of our time. Stronger than Buffy. Stronger than Harry, even. There's a bored kid inside of all of us, waiting (and waiting still) for the call to adventure. The voice behind the call, if you listen carefully enough, is Mr. Uzumaki's. Naruto turns 15 this February, as the second saga of his chronicles premieres on Japanese television. You know I'll be there.